Wednesday, January 18, 2012

i was off the hook

... for two days
and this is what happened

friday, i was in love

a little walk for start

a lovely old stuff store

Mr.O was looking for tiles

Mrs. O was just looking

a tour guide on pension love...

... and two lovebirds who made the delight of those who passed by

guess what? it was closed... again 
we went up and down two sets of stairs.
it's a good exercise for someone who is heavier and tired than ever (and always burping)
and specially for someone who was sitting and smearing the best chocolate croissant in the world at Chiado.

 another walk to see an old friend

and this day ended with two glasses of wine and a glass
of blackcurrant and a big big smile.
thank you for this lovely day.



  1. Tenho de dizer que estas fotos estão LINDAS como a Mrs O. as cores da pensão!!! será a pensão que penso? mal empregada para escritórios!...O que são Tiles?

  2. é a pensão que pensas sim, e não digas isso. quando vires com os teus olhos... este espaço é o bar burlesco que convida quem por lá passe a desafiar os limites da imaginação.

    tiles são azulejos que rima com beijos - que é o que mando para vocês.

  3. ahhh! Adoro azulejos. e beijos.
